Game starts at 830p sharp. Please arrive at 8p.
If you're going to be late please let the host of the game know ahead of time.
If you are not able to arrive by the end of the first break you will be eliminated from the tournament regardless of whether
or not you've informed someone. You will receive the appropriate amount of points for that spot.
If you register for a tournament but fail to show up or tell anyone you owe $40.
Every player starts with 3000 in chips for regular season tournaments.
We will pay 4 places for every regular season tournament regardless of the number of entries.
The regular season points winner receives a "Player of the Year" Award, free entry into the championship with the biggest starting chip stack.
No smoking inside. No sunglasses and no earphones during play.
Anyone not seated when it’s their turn to act can be folded by their table.
10) Seats will be drawn at the start of every tournament. .
11) Guest players such as out-of-town guests or random friends get lowest registration priority.
12) If seats are available after all TOC regulars have registered guest players can pay $40; $35 tournament / $5 house.
13) No money from guests goes to the TOC and they are not eligible for points. Guests will be skipped in the point breakdown.
14) All disputes will be handled by the four hosts with Jason and Scott acting as tie-breakers if necessary.
15) The host is the person who controls the clock
16) Sign-up for weekly events will be handled through Eventbrite the same as last year.
17) Signup will open at 5pm on Wednesday prior to a Friday tournament. Players will receive an email with a signup link prior to that Wednesday.
18) Couples can sign-up for each other just like last year.
Please remember you are a guest at someone’s home and be respectful.
This is supposed to be a fun Friday night poker game. Try to keep that in mind.
Bad beats are part of poker. Try to handle them like an adult.
Occasional rabbit hunting is acceptable. More than that is poor form. Please keep it to a minimum and ask the hand winner if he/she is willing to allow it.
League Rules and Etiquette